Revelation - Series Starters

Symbols in Revelation…

To help you understand the text as you read through Revelation

  • The colour white, images of the throne and crown = Conquest and rule (Divine, Human, satanic)

  • Sea beast and harlot = Roman emperor and his government

  • Land beast / false prophet = Roman provincial governors

  • Seven (7) = God and eternal perfection

  • Six (6) = Satan’s claim to divinity

  • Three and a half years (or 42 Months) = A period within human history which will come to its end - unlike God’s eternity

  • Twelve (12) = Leaders of the redeemed

  • Twenty four (24) = Leaders from the Old and New Covenants

  • One hundred and forty four thousand (144,000) = Redeemed from Israel

  • Ten (10) = A round figure

  • One thousand (1000) = A great number or very long period

  • Lion = Nobility

  • Ox = Strength

  • Eagle = Speed

  • Man = Wisdom

  • Lamb = Helplessness

  • Horn = Power

  • Eye = Knowledge

  • Right hand = Authority

Cited from: Apocalypse Now and Then (Reading Revelation Today). Paul Barnett. Aquilla Press , 2001

Introductory Videos to Revelation…

To help you understand the literary form and structure of Revelation


Revelation 21-22 The New Creation

Revelation 17-20 The Final Judgement

Revelation 15-16 The 7 Bowls

Revelation 12-14 The 7 Signs

Revelation 8-11 - The 7 Trumpets

Revelation 6-7 - The 7 Seals

Revelation 4-5 - Worthy of Worship

Revelation 2-3 - 7 Letters and Thanksgiving

Revelation 1 - John's First Vision